It is essential to understand how our lives and the order of the universe function to be successful and achieve our personal and social goals.
Discovering which are the common laws and principles present in the functioning of the human mind, in societies, and the macrocosmic dynamics is one of the great challenges of our time.
Thus, it is time to gather the world's greatest referents to learn about the universal laws that affect your reality and how to use them to your advantage.
From August 1st to 8th we will be hosting the First International Congress of CosmoSociology: “Universal laws in daily life".
This is a wonderful opportunity to reach an international audience interested in these topics by being part of this historic event.

Since ancient times, the great sages have taught us about how the universe functions so that humans can learn to govern their own lives.
They have tried to understand the order of nature and the principles of reality, passing them on to the next generations, thus leaving a legacy that has allowed us to evolve: the teaching of the "rules of the game of life", the universal laws.
However, many of these insights and discoveries are still not known, and even fewer people benefited because they have merely studied them intellectually and have not managed to apply their virtues in their daily lives.
We will walk a transformational path exploring the teachings of Thoth, Hermes, Greek philosophers like Aristotle, Sufi sages like Rumi, great inventors like Leonardo Da Vinci, alchemists like Isaac Newton, and scientists like Albert Einstein to understand the universal laws functioning in your own life.
It represents a milestone in history as this will be the first time that the top public and contemporary exponents of universal laws will gather together to share their knowledge.
Lecturers from Spanish-speaking, Anglo-Saxon and Indo-American countries will share their worldviews and revolutionary research.

This event is hosted by the members of the CosmoSociology Research and Application Organism, a network of people and organizations dedicated to investigate and apply the universal laws to society and daily situations. We aim to inspire new societies where people achieve their goals by living in harmony with the cosmos.
Therefore, we apply the CosmoSociology paradigm to our organization, as well as to the development of products, services, and our personal lives. We have taught more than 3,000,000 people in 14 countries and coached more than 1,000 individuals and organizations on how to use the universal laws to accomplish their goals.
Our guests will speak to
you about universal laws applied to topics such as:
Online meeting format
You will be able to enjoy this event from the comfort of your home in 3 ways.

Opening and closing live transmissions while answering live questions ( Free)

Video interviews discussing the most interesting topics with the lecturers (Free)
There will also be some extra surprises and gifts that we will announce soon.
The secret history of Universal Laws
Culture transformation with Natural Laws
Education in relation to the Laws of Nature
Universal laws applied to fertilization, gestation, and childbirth.
The Laws of nature in relation to economics
Universal laws in philosophy
Metaphysical laws in children's pedagogy
CosmoSociology and politics
Universal laws in menstrual cycles
(The presentations and subjects are constantly being updated.)

Invited experts
Our lecturers are renowned international researchers and speakers. They have stood out in the academic field for their intellectual achievements, and in the social field as multidisciplinary activists. As a result, they have earned numerous recognitions and awards for their contributions to culture, science, and education.
They have been educated in
Mysticism Philosophy Science CosmoSociology
Our speakers have appeared in the following media
Rock & Pop
Azul tv
Much Music
Mantra Fm
La Bioguía
